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Hunger Free (Back Pack Program)

Our "Backpack" Food Program works year round to serve the Children of McLeod County. During the school year, it provides food over the weekend for students who receive free lunch during the week. During the summer it supports our Summer Lunch Program. Consider sponsoring a McLeod County Elementary student for the year!

Fare For All

The Fare For All Program is a great way for you to stretch your grocery dollars and help others at the same time. In fact the more people who participate, the more savings are passed on to the customers. This nonprofit, community-supported program is open to everyone.

McLeod County Provision of Personal Products Program

PoPP Program

Through the Provision of Personal Products Program, students in schools throughout McLeod County can receive personal care products with no questions asked. Click on the link below to learn more about the program, and see a list of items we could use for distribution. 

McLeod County Provision of Personal Products Program

Diaper Distribution Program

Through the Diaper Distribution Program, families throughout McLeod County can receive one pack of free diapers per child during our monthly Diaper Distribution Days. These take place on the second and last Tuesdays of the month at our Hutchinson office, and the last Tuesday of the month at our Glencoe office. 

Laundry Room

Laundry Love Program

Laundry Love is a program available to those in need of help paying for their laundry. We provide quarters, soap and dryer sheets up to $25 per family, $15 per individual.  It takes place the third Tuesday of the month at the Royal Wash House in Hutchinson and the Glencoe Laundry Center in Glencoe.


Warm Coat Program

Twice a year Common Cup Ministry  holds a Coat Dive to collect warm, new or gently used coats, boots, snow pants and mittens to be distributed to residents of all ages throughout McLeod county.  


Back to School Drive

It's that time of year again! We are now taking supply donations and school supply requests for our 2022-23 School Supply Distribution Program. 



Give the gift of your time! Sign up as an on-call volunteer today!


Make an online donation through JustGiving

Over the Phone

In Person

We love visitors! Stop by our office.



105 Second Avenue SW #2

Hutchinson, MN 55350​


Your Congregation

You can make a donation through your participating congregation. 

Thrift Store



105 Second Avenue SW #2
Hutchinson, MN  55350   

712 11th St East
Glencoe, MN  55336

Registered Charity Number : 27-0012506

© 2024 by Common Cup Ministry

Site Supported by Willcore Consulting

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