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Weekend Food Program

Sponsor a McLeod County elementary student for the year.
$200 will provide weekend food and school supplies.​


The Weekend Food Program is a program to send food home in the backpacks of area elementary school students who receive free and reduced-price lunches.  The food will be placed discreetly in the students' backpacks on Fridays, to help tide them over the weekend.


We are always in need of your donations (sometimes more desperately than others).  If you would like to donate food use the list to the right to help you shop for items.  We would prefer monetary donations as we can make your dollars go further with our bulk buying options.  But the bottom line is we need your support! Please consider a donation to an organization that uses your funds in your community. These dollars stay local!



Shopping List
  • Fruit cups

  • Hot chocolate packets

  • Ramen Noodles

  • 100% juice boxes

  • Applesauce cups

  • Snack cracker packets/Peanut Butter or Cheese

  • Pop Tarts

  • Pudding cups

  • Instant oatmeal packets-flavored

  • Easy Mac packets

  • Granola bars

  • Protein Bars

  • Chef Boyardee cups

  • Jif to Go packs

  • “Ritz Short Stacks” (or similar small cracker packs)

  • Instant breakfast bottles (8 oz)


Click here for a printable PDF Shopping List


For food donations, you can leave in the following convenient drop locations: 


  • Cashwise of Hutchinson


Items can be left in drop boxes or specially marked shopping carts at the checkout area

McLeod County School Back Pack Program

Click here to see a complete listing of free meals available in or community.

The Weekend Food Program is being coordinated through Common Cup Ministry.

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