Loss of Dreams: Ambiguity, a Pandemic & Resiliency
Tue, Mar 23
|Zoom - Link will be sent to those who RSVP
A free, virtual community session

Time & Location
Mar 23, 2021, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM CDT
Zoom - Link will be sent to those who RSVP
About The Event
Are you on pandemic overload? Do you feel worn out from the pandemic do's and don'ts? Are you stuck on your real losses of people, events (wedding, deaths, anticipated events...) or the loss of dreams (the much awaited arrival of a baby who comes with physical or mental disabilities, the forever marriage that doesn't last, the perfect life that crumbles due to addiction)? Ambiguity is the vagueness and uncertainty that has overwhelmed us in this year of COVID 19 pandemic. Not knowing who is carrying the virus or when it will end, our sense of "normal" is constantly being challenged. We know the vaccine is coming, but when will I be able to return to normal? Both our physical and mental health have been affected by the need to social distance and keep ourselves and others safe from the deadly virus.
United Way of McLeod County and the McLeod County Corn and Soybean Growers Association invite you to "Loss of Dreams, Ambiguity, a Pandemic and Resiliency," a presentation by Ted Bowman, MDiv, Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 6:30-8:00pm via Zoom. Ted is a grief and loss counselor who has worked with school social workers, loss/survivor groups, ECFE and family educators, mental health and medical staff, and faith groups. He has been on the faculties of both the Universities of MN and St. Thomas, and authored several books.
This FREE virtual event is open to everyone; a certificate of participation will be available to those registered for the presentation. Those without a computer or internet access may view the session at the Glencoe City Center in the Senior Citizens Room (please park on the east end of the building and enter the doors there) or CrossPoint Church in Hutchinson.
To register for this free Zoom event go to unitedwaymcleodcounty.org. If you do not have access to a computer, please email Jan at jan_mackenthun@hotmail.com or call 320-587-3613 to register.